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Time Doctor
¿Qué es Time Doctor?
Time Doctor es un software de seguimiento del tiempo avanzado y de seguimiento de empleados. Este software te ayuda a saber si tu equipo es realmente productivo. Es especialmente adecuado para equipos de 20 a 500 empleados.
Es una solución basada en la web que proporciona seguimiento de tiempo, supervisión de sesiones de trabajo en computadora, recordatorios, grabación de captura de pantalla, facturación, herramientas de creación de informes, integraciones y mucho más.
¿Quién usa Time Doctor?
Las personas y los equipos que desean aumentar su productividad, los equipos que tienen miembros remotos en el equipo de trabajo, que trabajan desde casa y desean realizar un seguimiento de su tiempo y equipos que trabajan en una oficina.
¿Tienes dudas sobre Time Doctor?
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Time Doctor
Opinones de Time Doctor
Bueno para monitorear al empleado
Puntos a favor:
Proporciona informes detallados y un buen seguimiento del tiempo del empleado
En temas de privacidad puede resultar ser algo invasivo ya que toma constantes capturas y otra contra es que incluye costo para más funciones
Una buena aplicacion para gestionar tu tiempo, o el de los demas.
Comentarios: A grandes rasgos es una buena herramienta de monitoreo y gestion de tiempos.
Puntos a favor:
Es un software de los mas util para que las empresas, sobre todo las medianas o grandes empresas, que tienen dificultades para el control de las jornadas laborales, puedan gestionar el tiempo de sus empleados para aumentar la productividad.O en el caso de ser trabajador por cuenta propia saber cuanto tiempo estas malgastando a lo largo de la jornada.El programa permite la creacion de informes o analisis al final del dia que te llevara a tener un vision mas clara de la gestion de tu tiempo a lo largo del. diaEl monitoreo es automatico aunque tienes que inicarlo tu mismo. A su vez se detendra en el momento que no detecte movimiento en el raton o pulsaciones en el teclado.
La desventaja es la misma que en muchos programas que conozco, que es el precio.Apenas son 5 euros al mes, pero hay que tener en cuenta que no tiene demasiada funcionalidad para pagar 5 euros la mes.Y en el caso de alguien que quiera gestionar el tiempo de sus empleados esto subiria a 10 euros por empleado.Deberian aumentar su versatilidad y asi quizas valdria lo que cuesta.
Tiempo de trabajo
Comentarios: Ayuda a empresarios a tener un mejor registro
Puntos a favor:
Que se puede saber el tiempo de trabajo
No es tan preciso al momento de saber que tiempo se ha trabajado

Time Doctor te ayuda a gestionar tu tiempo de mejor manera.
Comentarios: Excelente me ha servido mucho para organizar mejor mi tiempo en diferente proyectos, los reportes me ayudan a visualizar mejor en que invierto el tiempo.
Puntos a favor:
La faciliadad de implementación y uso, algo que lo hace práctico. Sus reportes nos han ayudado a gestionar mejor los tiempos de nuestras tareas y con ello mejorar el rendimiento tanto para los empleados como para los clientes.
Tal vez el precio es un poco elevado para una persona que recién empieza como freelancer.
Perfecto para el control de las tareas que realiza tu equipo
Puntos a favor:
Dentro de la empresa lo tenemos en instalados en algunos miembros del equipo donde necesitamos un mayor control de los tiempos y las tareas que se realizan, de hecho es perfecto para el control de esas tareas en equipos del personal que teletrabaja.
No hay nada que nos disguste, cumple perfectamente con nuestras necesidades
Time Doctor, el software del futuro
Comentarios: Ha sido una maravillosa experiencia su uso
Puntos a favor:
Me gusta que es un software práctico y sencillo
Todo lo del software me gusta, creo que deben mejorar la rapidez
Time doctor perfecto para gestión de horas de trabajo presencial y teletrabajo
Puntos a favor:
La facilidad para gestionar y controlar las horas de trabajo cumplidas y la planificación de tiempo a futuro
No es problema de la app pero algunos dispositivos móviles de no tan alta gama tienen lentitud , debido a las características de los equipos

ficho mi tiempo de trabajo con esta app
Puntos a favor:
es realista y mis jefes estan contentos con su funcionamiento del tiempo q paso redactando las valoraciones
existen maneras de falsear el tiempo de trabajo... con un pulsador de teclas
Uso del servicio
Comentarios: Es una herramienta que administra y organiza el tiempo de los colaboradores, con muy buenas métricas y que ayudan a mejorar la productividad de la empresa
Puntos a favor:
El producto es fácil de usar, y controla todas las funciones y tareas de los colaboradores en tiempo real.
Sería útil un informe diario por persona, que indique el total de capturas de pantallas, cuántas fueron inactivas, y que además tenga métricas de la cantidad de pantallas que tienen poco movimiento de teclado y mouse. Adicional un informe de cuántas pantallas solo tienen movimiento de mouse sin tecleado
Seguridad de la Información
Comentarios: .
Puntos a favor:
Es un producto facil de usar y que tiene ya una reputacion ganada
Es un producto facil de usar y que tiene ya una reputacion ganada, asi que no tengo nada negativo
Aplicación muy buena
Comentarios: Una app muy buena, sin embargo existen dos time doctor y eso confunde, use time doctor 2 porque me dijeron que esa era mejor app
Puntos a favor:
El apoyo para gestionar el tiempo de trabajo
El dashboard de la página, tenia ciertos errores por ejemplo para comparar tiempos pasados y actuales.

Time Doctor review
Puntos a favor:
this software is easy to use and very accessible to everyone
There isn;t much I can say about the downsides of this software. I think it's a highly recommendable software
Time Doctor Review
Comentarios: Very Good and I will recommend it to my friends or previous employer
Puntos a favor:
It does not freeze and works every time. The sata is also accurate
So far none since it really works all the time
Respuesta de Time Doctor
hace 6 meses
Thank you for your fantastic review ! We’re so happy to hear that Time Doctor is making a positive impact on your work. Your support means the world to us.
Alternativas consideradas:
300$ for TRAIL -> CAREFUL
the service was very bad,
timedoctor charged us 300$ automatically after our 14d trail, totally untrustworthy!!! be very careful
customer support was not helping at all and ignored offers and solutions from my side
Great for remote teams
Puntos a favor:
It is so easy for our team (remote workers) to track, edit and even add our time with this app.
It needs to be more strict, I guess, when it comes to adding time (it is being used, sometimes to manipulate working hours)
Time Doctor
Comentarios: So far a very good application to track time
Puntos a favor:
Ability to track time and to track what you are doing
The idle time and the sidebar doesnt show any more
Time Doctor Review: Should you Use?
Puntos a favor:
Time Doctor allows fulfills my time tracking needs as well as scheduling and attendance records. It is very accurate and I appreciate its compatibility with Apple and Microsoft phones and computers.
Time Doctor does not have the customer support in case it is needed for ongoing issues. It is a great time tracker; however, problems may have to be self-diagnosed.
Time Doctor Review
Puntos a favor:
The good thing with Time Doctor is that it efficiently tracks time, mouse clicks, and keyboard clicks. It also has a screenshot feature to make sure the employee is using his/her time wisely.
As far as and as long as I have used Time Doctor, the only issue that I know is there are times that where the time doesn't sync however, they are constantly working on it, so the issues are taken cared of right away.
Simple But Effective Time-Management Tool
Puntos a favor:
The ease of use, clutter-free user interface allows easy workflow.
Getting used to the tool at the beginning is conversome.

Excellent software!
Comentarios: It's an excellent time management software. But I think it would be better with a free version with some limited features.
Puntos a favor:
Excellent software! With Time doctor, I can coordinate and monitor my employees' activities even remotly. Time tracking.
Free version unavailable, free trial unfortunately limited to 14 days.

Avis Time doctor
Puntos a favor:
TIME DOCTOR software is software that I use for task and project management. Its interface is very simple to understand and use.
the problem of TIME DOCTOR software is its confidentiality problem. Otherwise it is good software.

Best Time Tracking Software for In-House and Remote Employees
Comentarios: We at Fullstop360 are totally satisfied with the overall performance of Time Doctor. It is good for time-tracking, task-management, timesheets, poor time use, web & app usage, attendance, and payroll etc.
Puntos a favor:
I have given Time Doctor 10 out of 10 as I simply love it. We have been using it for more than 4 years and it has proved to be a great tool to manage the in-house and remote employees. It is pretty convenient to install and work with. It allows to track time and improve productivity. It gives your complete control over your work. The effective reporting system helps you to figure out a better use of your time. It provides browsing history, top website, and poor management of time. In the capacity of an HR Manager, I use Time Doctor to mark employee attendance. You can check time-in and time-out and total work hours of your team members. It shares employee activity by sending screenshots. I also get help in managing the payroll. There's another cool option that TD allows to manually edit time. Sometimes, people forget to start Time Doctor and then approach me to adjust their times. In all reality, you can do a lot of cool things to manage your team and work.
The only con that I observed as a user is the 'display of activity bar'. It stays on top and sometimes becomes quite irritating. There's an option to hide it but the chances that sometimes you forget to turn Time Doctor on. Likewise, the breaktime monitor is a bit irritating. When you're busy in a though process and staring on your screen but you have not moved your mouse or touched the keyboard, Time Doctor will assume that you're gone for a break. I don't know how to fix it but it would be really cool if there's some sort of a sensor.

Great little tool to keep track of worktime
Comentarios: Keeping track of customers, projects and tasks I've worked on is my basis for the invoices I send to my customers... and that works great! The new Time Doctor 2 was a huge step forward.
Puntos a favor:
The ease of assigning current worktime to given projects or specific project tasks. That helps me keep an overview how much time I've spent on each project and task
Reporting sometimes needs a few extra clicks to give me the information I need - especially when I step from day to day it always needs a few extra clicks to get the same screen for the next day (Timesheet). But overall it's great - nothing serious.
This tool is excellent for effectively tracking work time.
Comentarios: My experience with Time Doctor has been outstanding. The software's ability to generate visual evidence of time allocations is particularly valuable for employers who compensate their team members based on projects or hourly rates, which aligns perfectly with my needs.
Puntos a favor:
This software is incredibly user-friendly and simple to set up, while also offering exceptional accuracy in tracking. It surpasses any other option I have come across in the market. With its support for multiple platforms, I can conveniently track my work from anywhere and at any time. Moreover, it provides valuable insights into work patterns, offering a deeper understanding of my productivity.
Personally, I have not encountered any issues with this software. However, a few of my employees and contractors have expressed their concerns about it being perceived as a micromanagement tool. Fortunately, this is not a concern that I share: xD
Time Doctor Review
Comentarios: Overall, my experience with Time Doctor was positive. It provided me with valuable insights into my work habits and helped me become more disciplined and productive. The ability to generate detailed reports and analyze my time allocation allowed me to make informed decisions about optimizing my workflow. Despite some minor issues, Time Doctor proved to be a reliable tool for time management and boosting my productivity.
Puntos a favor:
One of the things I liked most about Time Doctor was its comprehensive time tracking features. It allowed me to effortlessly monitor how I spent my time, track my productivity, and identify areas for improvement. The ability to categorize tasks, set project goals, and receive reminders helped me stay focused and efficiently manage my workload.
One aspect I liked least about Time Doctor was the occasional glitch or delay in tracking time accurately. While it generally worked well, there were instances where it failed to capture time accurately or experienced synchronization issues with certain apps or platforms. These minor inconsistencies could sometimes affect the overall accuracy of my time tracking.