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¿Qué es Inkscape?
Herramienta de gráficos vectoriales de código abierto con creación y manipulación de objetos, representación, soporte de texto, funcionalidad de relleno y contorno.
¿Quién usa Inkscape?
La aplicación Inkscape es utilizada por profesionales del diseño en una amplia variedad de sectores (marketing/creación de marca, ingeniería/CAD, gráficos web, creación de dibujos animados).
¿Tienes dudas sobre Inkscape?
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Opinones de Inkscape

Best free tool similar to Illustrator
Diseños productivos con Inkscape
Comentarios: Utilizo el programa para crear mis diseños personalizados, generalmente bonotes, stickers, elementos gráficos variados y hasta diseños de placas electrónicas por el manejo de las coordenadas en los puntos.
Puntos a favor:
Es una herramienta muy práctica y cómoda de usar, posee las herramientas más comunes del diseño y un entorno fácil de entender. Además se pueden agregar plugins y recursos para obtener diseños innovadores.
Toda su tiempo acostumbrarse a ubicar las secciones de capas y modificaciones de una figura por que comparten un espacio común en la aplicación.
Comentarios: Recomendable su prueba por ser un software gratuito y con mucha potencia a la hora de realizar diseños y cualquier labor gráfica. No tiene el entorno gráfico tan pulido como otras aplicaciones comerciales de pago pero merece la pena su prueba por lo mucho que da siendo gratis.
Puntos a favor:
Es gratuito y tiene una gran capacidad de complementar otras APIs gratuitas. Es bastante sencillo de utilizar aunque algo de curva de aprendizaje tiene pero nada que no se puede superar con los muchos tutoriales que hay en Internet. Para ser gratuito es muy potente, no tiene nada que envidiar a versiones de pago mucho más caras. Con infinidad de prestaciones, realmente es asombroso para ser gratuito.
Por poner algún pero el diseño de la aplicación podría ser mejor pero no es una gran contra. Eso hace que pueda ser complejo moverse por la aplicación pero con tiempo te haces a ella. Es lo más reseñable dado el potencial y lo gratuito del mismo.
Inkscape una excelente opcion para diseño
Comentarios: Excelente experiencia ya que mi pc tiene poca ram y otros programas se me cierran o no logro guardar los cambios
Puntos a favor:
Me gusta la interfaz sencilla y colorida, tiene todo lo que tienen los programas de diseño clásicos pero utiliza mucha menos memoria y resulta fluida para diseñar. Las ventanas no se cierran y no requiere mucho esfuerzo dela ram
No hay nada que no me haya gustado. Es fácil de usar
Ventajas y desventajas
Comentarios: Buena en general, aunque con dificultades por los términos utilizados y por los iconos y demás elementos.
Puntos a favor:
Que maneja muchas de las funciones, es fácil de instalar y es Software libre. Faltan algunas funciones y otras están de más.
La interfase es muy pobre, hasta fea y poco intuitiva. Esto lo hace por momentos que la experiencia de uso no sea tan buena. Aunque uno se puede acostumbrar.
Alternativa diseño gráfico Free
Comentarios: Me sorprendió lo que puedo hacer en este programa sin pagar un peso por el
Puntos a favor:
Es software libre y funciona muy bien para pequeñas empresas o autónomos . Es muy ligero y tiene versión móvil, multi plataforma funciona en Windows, Mac y Linux
A veces se cierra, pero eso pasa con los de pago también , no hay muchos tutoriales

Buen producto
Comentarios: Es un buen programa, es facil de instalar y no tiene muchos requerimientos. Es relativamente sencillo, una persona con conocimientos basicos sobre programas vectoriales puede aprender pronto a usarlo. Como he mencionado antes, la calidad al exportar es algo que puede mejorar.
Puntos a favor:
Me gusta que es gratuito y amigable con el usuario. Una persona con poca experiencia puede aprender a usarlo en poco tiempo, creo que eso es muy bueno cuando alguien no tiene los conocimientos para trabajar con programas mas complejos de diseño o contratar un diseñador
La gestion del color y la calidad al exportar.

Es una buen software pero no es intuitivo
Comentarios: Uso este software habitualmente cuando realizo mis diseños para mis bordados. Me parece que es excelente, es gratuito y cumple con su función a cabalidad.
Puntos a favor:
Lo que más me gusta es que es gratuito y tiene todas las herramientas y funciones de otros softwares de diseño más populares pero de paga, así que este software es una excelente opción. Se trabaja con vectores y se puede exportar en muchos tipos de archivos.
No es muy fácil de usar si lo comparamos con otros softwares de diseño como Illustrator. Me tomó un poco más de tiempo del habitual aprender a usarlo.

Inkscape is a good choice.
A veces necesito generar una imagen para un foto de perfil, un icono o algo similar.
Otras veces necesito transformar una imagen en un vector para hacerle algún ajuste y despues convertirlo nuevamente en una imagen.
Es en estas tareas donde uso Inkscape y cumple con su función, me ayuda en mi trabajo y a depender un poco menos del diseñador gráfico.
Puntos a favor:
It is free, it open source and it is light weight.
The interface. It could be improved for a better user experience.

El mejor vectorizador de imágenes
Comentarios: Bastante bueno , muy satisfactoria ya que siempre pude realizar trabajos satisfactorios.
Puntos a favor:
La fácil utilización de los atajos para concluir con mayor eficacia las tareas.
La complejidad de algunas opciones como la barra de herramientas.

A free and professional work tool
Comentarios: Extremely happy with this amazing software. Amazing how it is still distributed for free.
Puntos a favor:
The thing I appreciate most is the speed of use. In addition to this, the available tools allow you to create very high quality graphic products while maintaining compatibility with any software. In over 10 years of use I have never regretted using it.
In some projects, file processing can become a little slower, forcing you to split the work across multiple files. In some cases it may happen that the software crashes but a backup copy is always saved before closing the program.
The use of Inkscape.
Comentarios: Since I am predominantly a Linux user this program works well for me. I have used Adobe illustrator in windows on certain projects and I get just the same clean crisp duck with you could get it is much lighter on your resources so it performs faster the learning curve is very small I suggest that you actually graphic designer try it.
Puntos a favor:
My experience using Inkscape started about 11 years ago I did not have the money to pay for Adobe illustrator being a graphic designer I needed a tool that would give me the same functionality. as Adobe illustrator in my use of Inkscape I found that it had several features that Adobe illustrator lacked such as plugins that would allow you to do tracing and a lot more, I have enjoyed using it I think it is a very professional piece of software. Also, the learning curve is much lower than Adobe illustrator you can open up the program and give right to work.
The cons of using Inkscape I have found are very few 1 is that when opening up a program Inkscape does not have tabs in its layout so if you start a new project it opens up a totally new window. I myself prefer layout of tabs it is a much cleaner look and it does not clutter up your desktop.
Good product for begineers
Puntos a favor:
Provides support for layers and object grouping.Offers a variety of effects and filters.
No built-in support for colour management.
It's free, which is a bonus
Comentarios: It's free, which is a bonus, and you can knock up some decent vector graphics with it. Used to use Illustrator, but that was a right pain in the neck with the subscription fees. Inkscape's a bit rough around the edges, but it gets the job done.
Puntos a favor:
Love that it doesn't cost a penny! Inkscape's a lifesaver for a tight budget.
Had a bit of a kerfuffle getting used to the interface. It's not as intuitive as some of the other options out there. And it can be a bit slow at times.
Free Open Source Alternative
Comentarios: Recommended for those looking to move away from Adobe's subscription model.
Puntos a favor:
Provides most of the core functionality from other software such as Illustrator without the price tag. Allows for the conversion of Bitmap Images into Vector Images easily. Impressive compatibility with most other Vector Based software file types. Pairs well with GIMP as a free software package.
UI can be unintuitive at times, lacks the customisability that other software allows for and does not support dark mode. Limited to PNG output for Bitmap Images. Text Editing can be finicky at times, particularly with Spacing between Baselines.
Amazing Vector
Comentarios: I have really enjoyed using and becoming familiar with the software and finding new uses for it.
Puntos a favor:
It is a great vector software and takes care of all of my vector creating needs. The designs are easy to export and use however needed.
It is difficult to learn the layout and how to customize it when first setting up.
Great Adobe Substitute For Free!
Puntos a favor:
Inkscape has all the features I need to create my t-shirt designs for FREE. It's easier than Adobe & has lots of tutorials on YouTube
I like the whole platform! No issues at all.
Incredible Alternative to Paid Programs
Comentarios: For the extremely low price of $0.00, this program introduces you to premium graphics features and a wide variety of color optimization. While it is lacking in many practical applications it is THE free alternative. You get what you pay for. And lets face it, its easy on the eyes. :)
Puntos a favor:
Inkscape is free and open source compared to some programs in that they charge more than they give. Every effect, every tool can be used effectively for 2D vector based graphic design. The trace bitmap tool is essential for rescaling and fixing the resolution of customer's old designs; it does have its limitations, but nothing an hour of time cant fix.
In terms of printing quality, it comes face to face with adobe and other programs when it comes down to color. I do constantly fight the RGB default and have to ask someone with adobe access to convert my PDF's to CMYK. I see it often used in conjunction with Scribus for this very purpose but Scribus' user interface is jarring and difficult to process. The other biggest issue I have with Inkscape is its inability to process spot colors which are essential in printing white ink on darker media. I would also like to see more implementation in geometric design, with more alignment accessibility and open to more axis' than simply X and Y. I would rather not pay for autodesk to rely on 3D rendering.
How to pick a easy graphic software tool
Comentarios: Inkscape is very good software to use for graphics. All the stuff you make are vector, meaning it uses math to make sure that not matter what size the image is it look good.
Puntos a favor:
That it's free to use and simple to use for any graphic are design project. Plus there are plenty of videos on how to use the software.
Sometimes I wish that the font was already included with the software.
Great features for a FREE program!
Comentarios: I use Inkscape regularly for all of my sublimation projects.
Puntos a favor:
Inkscape is FREE and simple to use, yet it still delivers the features you need.
Some features are hard to find and understand.
Best vector based editor for linux
Comentarios: My daily driver for most of the graphic design / laser engraving I do.
Puntos a favor:
Great for publishing, pre-print page layout and preparation, vector works and laser engraving. It even has a embroidery plugin that allows it to become fully functional embroidery software.
nothing to say here, it is great alternative to the win / mac software, but available on any platform.
Alternativas consideradas:
Great Software
Comentarios: Inkscape has been a lifesaver for my business. I can create and print through the same program without being limited on my size. I can also create cut files which I can then import into another program and use my cutting machine with. It has quickly become my go-to software.
Puntos a favor:
I love that I can create my own SVG files and I get to keep them unlike other software programs I use. I can import other designs and manipulate as I go. I can create custom files and the sky is the limit
I have trouble getting the offset to work. I am sure it is user error but I struggle with it most of the times I use it. Also, sometimes when I clip I just get a blank white box instead of what I am trying to clip. I find it struggles when using text editior to pick text while scrolling through all the options.
Great graphical tool
Puntos a favor:
It is open source and has many features that come in handy from scientific research plots to hobbies.
It doesn't have a good community support and the manual is not wasy to use.

Puntos a favor:
Inkscape is a free alternative to Adobe Illustrator.
no cons for me I love it. I do not have much experience with other programs.
Free version of photoshop
Puntos a favor:
Like title said, it's completely free! And it is an open-source software.
Some functions were not intuitive to use, and I had to look up tutorial videos to figure it out.
very good program works well
Comentarios: scanning and tracing parts for manufacturing as a lot of the things I do are prototype
Puntos a favor:
The scan and trace is the main function that I use and it does exactly what I need it to do
as I mostly use scan and trace I don't know if any needed features could possibly use a button for scan and trace so as to reduce the operation time but that is not a downside just a suggestion